An Open Letter to Communications Professionals Who Yearn to Move Ahead:
I'm Pete Ryckman and I'm pleased to announce a unique opportunity to accelerate your career: Speechwriting 101: Learn by Doing.
Move to the Fast Track
Put your communications career on the fast track with this intensive, hands-on, 14-week program in the craft of speechwriting created for busy, working professionals. When I added speechwriting to my skill set, it was the best career move I ever made. I've worked on key, corporate-level projects -- and have helped shape top-level messages for many organizations.
Shine Your Light
As a speechwriter, you'll get visibility and a vantage point unequaled by your peers in communications. Before my speechwriting career began, I worked in the communications department of a small division of a Fortune 50 company. Outside our group, I was just another face in a very big crowd.
Then I was offered a full-time speechwriting job. I moved to corporate headquarters -- and within a year I was on a first-name basis with many members of the senior management team.
Speechwriting = Opportunities + Money
Lots of people get into speechwriting to pursue opportunity and advancement. And it works. But the money is also great.
Speechwriting is, by far, the best-paying writing job in just about every communications organization. Experienced speechwriters in Fortune 500 companies are making $150,000 a year -- and up.
Work on Projects That Matter -- with the Best and the Brightest
Writing speeches and developing presentations puts you at the big table -- working with senior executives in your organization.
When you do it right, you become a trusted advisor to powerful, influential, get-it-done people.
Speechwriters are judged by their ability to produce -- not by age, education, experience, or connections. When I started -- with my design degree and one English course -- my resume said "no way." But I could write a good speech. And to my customers, that's all that mattered.
Are your creative abilities being well used in your current job? Sadly, too many organizations are, by nature, very conservative. The word of the day is, "Don't rock the boat." But the great thing about speechwriting is that genuine, on-the-page creativity is absolutely required. And creativity is well rewarded.
The School of Hard Knocks
As a speechwriter, I'm a graduate of The School of Hard Knocks. When I started, this was the only way to do it. In those first years, I went up a really steep learning curve -- making mistakes; going up blind alleys; and dealing with deadlines, demanding executives, and lots of uncertainty.
Up the Learning Curve Faster
This program can ease your way into a career with more opportunities, faster advancement, and higher compensation. In 14 weeks, you can cut a year or more off the learning curve. Plus, you'll hone your skills in a protected, mentored environment -- not in the glare of public scrutiny. You’ll move up the curve with an experienced speechwriter as your mentor and coach.
What You'll Get in Speechwriting 101
You'll get solid, hands-on-the-keyboard experience and expert guidance in the foundation skills of good speechwriting.
· Writing for the ear: it's a whole new twist on writing style.
· Developing a comprehensive audience analysis: the key to a good start.
· Organizing content so audiences can easily understand and believe. After all, they don't have the script to refer to.
· Writing in the executive voice. The speaker must own his or her content.
Build Your Speech Portfolio
In Speechwriting 101, you'll build a portfolio of sample speeches. Having a strong portfolio is the key that opens the door you're trying to get through.
We'll also discuss how to format your speech portfolio for maximum impact. I've been through lots of job interviews -- and, believe me, an attractive, well-organized portfolio helps make a solid, first impression.
In Speechwriting 101, You'll Be in a Class of One
This is not a standard, butts-in-seats, classroom course. You'll be the only student in your program.
Each week, your writing assignments will be customized and individualized to your specific skills, goals, and organization.
When possible, your writing assignments will parallel the work you are doing in your job. You’ll be writing about the things that are important in your organization.
I'll be your mentor and coach throughout the program. Each week, we'll have an extensive, in-depth discussion of your weekly writing assignment by phone. We'll talk about what works, what needs improvement, and what to do next.
Speechwriting 101 is not a place. It's a connection. As a busy, working professional, you can live anywhere and be fully involved.
As with everything, you'll get out of the program what you put into it. You can expect to spend eight to 10 hours a week working on your writing assignment.
Learn With an Expert
I'm a veteran speechwriter with 24 years of experience writing at the CEO level. I've written more than 800 speeches for CEO-level executives at companies like Westinghouse Electric and Autodesk, the design software company that makes AutoCAD.
Before becoming a speechwriter, I was an award-winning industrial designer with a degree from Carnegie Mellon.
Tuition for the 14-week, Speechwriting 101: Learn by Doing program is USD $5475.
Recognizing that circumstances can change, students may withdraw at any time by written notice. Refunded tuition will be prorated based on the number of weeks the student was enrolled.
It Doesn't End with the Last Assignment
My goal is to help you find success writing speeches and developing presentations. As part of the program, I'll continue to be your mentor and coach for six months. We can talk over opportunities, strategies, and tactics for moving your speechwriting career ahead.
I'm also available to help you through your first writing assignments on a per-hour consulting basis. We'll work through developing the audience analysis, big idea, outline, script, visuals, and revisions.
Want to Learn More?
Contact me at [email protected]. We can set up a phone call to talk about how Speechwriting 101: Learn by Doing can put your career into high gear.
Remember the Rule of YLE
First you Yearn. Then you Learn. And finally, you Earn. It’s time to move from yearning to learning. I’m ready to help.
All the best,
Pete Ryckman, Mentor and Coach, Speechwriting 101: Learn by Doing
PS: Check out my blog It’s nuts-and-bolts, practical advice for C-level speakers.